Friday, January 6, 2012

Cloth diapers

Being a mother has made me much more environmentally friendly. I don't care as much about what goes into or onto my body as much as I care (almost to the point of crazy) what touches my baby or goes into their little bodies. One of the main changes we've made is using cloth diapers aka FLUFF.

Let me just say how much I love cloth diapers. I adore them! I love them! I would roll around in piles of them if I knew my husband wouldn't put me in the looney bin! They're so soft and squishy! *ahem* Sorry. :) People who love cloth diapers are generally cloth addicts. We use the codename "Fluff" to refer to them....and our accumulations are our "stashes". And yes, we probably sound insane because of it.

I admit when Alix was a baby, we used disposables. When I told my husband that I wanted to switch to cloth diapers when Erin was born, he thought I was nuts. And he didn't think I'd stick with it....but guess what, we have! Honestly, I'm not sure what deters people from cloth diapers. Here are my thoughts on why people are hesitant:

Cost? If you are considering cloth diapers and you start looking at pricing for them, your first thought will most likely be "An average of $17 per diaper?! That's just too expensive!" BUT, what some people fail to realize is that you will spend thousands of dollars on disposables on one baby. There are many websites out there that break down the costs of both for comparison, which makes for an interesting read. And even if you shell out several hundred dollars for a nice stash of cloth diapers, the savings is amazing. AND, as long as you get well-made diapers, they will last for more than one child.

The thought of washing poo out of diapers? Get over it. You're a mom. Trust me, you'll deal with or have dealt with worse. And technically, you're supposed to dump the contents of disposables into the toilet before tossing in the garbage anyway. Didn't know that?'s in fine print on your bag of disposables. And besides, with cloth, you don't get the awful blowouts that you get with sposies. And honestly, the poo is not bad at all. If you breastfeed, then you don't even have to rinse or dump. Just throw it in the washer because breastfed poo is water soluble. I'll admit todder poo isn't the prettiest, but it's manageable.

I would think that the cost-savings and the lack of chemicals would be enough to make anyone want to cloth diaper. Since we've used cloth diapers, we don't get diaper rashes like we did with disposables. I love it. Besides, who wouldn't want some cute cute CUTE ....did I say cute?....diapers on your baby's bum?! :)

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